Archive for the ‘Benedict XVI and Christian Ethics’ Category


Abril 7, 2010

*Fr.Dr.Ivo da Conceição Souza

        Easter is the principal feast of Christianity. It is the feast of the Resurrection of Jesus. Without Resurrection, there is no faith in the divinity of Jesus, no Christian faith. Resurrection of Jesus is the outcome of the encounter of his disciples with him after his death. It is the fact of the glorified body of Jesus that gave rise to the faith of the Church. It is the outcome of two factors: the empty tomb and the appearances of Jesus to his disciples. Resurrection is a historical, rather meta-historical fact, because it transcends all the spatio-temporal categories. Science does not have a say about Resurrection, since it is not a reproducible event: Jesus is unique, the Man who is also God. It can be investigated as an event of history and as an experience of faith. Since the faith in the Resurrection stands or falls by the historical fact that he did rise from the dead, priority is given to historical-literary criticism. Otherwise, our Christian preaching is empty, our faith is in vain (cf.1 Cor 15:14). Before all else there must, therefore, be a careful scrutiny of the evidence to prove that this event took place. If we begin with the faith of the Church, we can state that there never was a time when the Christian Church did not believe in the Resurrection of Jesus.

     How did the faith of the Church come about? The Apostles believed the evidence of their own eyes and ears that Jesus, whom they had seen crucified, was alive again. In other words, the faith of the Church is born of the direct experience of the Apostles who met the Risen Lord. The evidence for the Resurrection is not taken from the history of religions, or from mythology. It is not even a logical deduction from the life of Christ. The collegiate flight of the Apostles from Gethsemane argues against this. Jesus was with them once again. That was proof enough that he had risen. Jesus came to give us life (cf.Jn 10:10): he went on giving life to the people, life in all its dimensions-he restored physical life to three people who had actually died: the daughter of Jairus, the son of the widow of Naim and Lazarus. It was resuscitation or reanimation of bodies. But Resurrection of Jesus was not just a restoration of his physical life, but rather his triumphant victory over his ignominious death with a body that was no more subject to disease or death. It was a sign of the defeat of all evil in the world, and a happy confirmation of the Kingdom of God proclaimed by Jesus.

     As already mentioned, the event of Jesus’ Resurrection is testified by two historic factors in the Gospels, namely the empty tomb and the several apparitions of the Risen Lord Jesus to his close friends and the disciples. History witnessed to only one tomb with a rock rolled before it, with armed soldiers watching a corpse, with the reminiscence that the dead man would rise again: Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ. But the interesting fact was that his enemies expected the resurrection, but his friends did not. The believers who were his followers were skeptics, they needed and demanded rational proofs before they would be convinced. The weeping Mary of Magdala, the woman from whom seven demons had been driven (perhaps a serious disease cured, cf.Lk 8:2), came to anoint the dead body, but later on encountered him alive (cf.Mk 16:1-10; Jn 20:13-15). Simon Peter and John came and found him (Mk 16:12 and 14). The Risen Lord may have appeared to Mary his Mother too.

     The chief priests immediately assembled a meeting of the Sanhedrin and bribed the guards to say that his disciples came by night and stole the body while they were asleep (Mt 28:12-15). But this was a stupid way to escape the fact of Resurrection-the soldiers were advised to say that they were asleep; and yet they were so awake as to have seen thieves and to know that they were Jesus’ disciples, a few timid disciples, attempting to steal their Master’s body from a grave closed by stone, officially sealed, and guarded by soldiers without awakening the sleeping guards! 

       What is the meaning of Jesus’ Resurrection to us today? It is the foundation and the highest principle of Christian faith. It assures that all those who believe in Jesus and live a life of commitment to him will share in the Grace of his Resurrection and have a glorious life in the world to come. That means the Resurrection of Jesus should instill in us a firm hope in the reward of eternal life and help us to live a life of Christian principles and bear up all difficulties that accompany it.

        Where do we find the Risen Jesus today? We shall meet him in heaven, but already on earth we can encounter him like the two disciples on their way to Emmaus after the death of Jesus (cf.Lk 24:13-35). The Risen Jesus himself instructed them according to various passages of the Bible that the Messiah was to die and then to rise again. As they neared Emmaus and sat for a meal, they recognized him as the Risen Lord in the breaking of the bread. They immediately returned to Jerusalem to be his disciples, where Jesus entered the closed doors of the Upper Room (cf.Jn 20:19 and 26). We should also be able to recognize the Risen Jesus, the Lord of the Universe and of History, in the Word of God and in the Eucharist so as to have sufficient strength to follow Jesus in our day to day life.

Benedict XVI on Condoms:

Março 26, 2009

CBCI condemns irresponsible statements on Pope Benedict XVI:
New Delhi, March 24, 2009

The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India (CBCI) condemns statements appearing in certain sections of media on Pope Benedict XVI where His Holiness has been portrayed as ’a disaster’. The CBCI considers these kinds of statements as most irresponsible and irreverent towards the person of His Holiness.

Pope Benedict XVI is the most loved and respected spiritual leader of the Catholics all over the world. The views of His Holiness on various subjects such as recession, terrorism and moral issues like AIDS , abortion have been received with respect all over the world. The Catholics throughout the universe abide by the teachings of the Church as pronounced by His Holiness who has often reminded the world to be more God-fearing while building a society based on humanitarian values and moral principles of life.

The Catholic Bishops of India urge people to have restrictions on the senseless statements made against His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI whom the whole Catholic world reveres and honours as its pre-eminent Guru.

The Universal Catholic Church, headed by Pope Benedict XVI, has been working for peace, reconciliation, universal brotherhood, unity and prosperity for the poor and most neglected, a just society based on the Gospel values and to make this world a better place for living for all humankind.

Pope Benedict XVI is one of the leading intellectuals of the modern times, who is fully aware of the modern trends that forebode moral degradation for humankind in the course of time. It is the moral duty of His Holiness to direct and guide the consciences of people in general and of Catholics, in particular.

Most Rev. Stanislaus Fernandes, S.J.,
Secretary General, CBCI &
Archbishop of Gandhinagar, Gujarat