Archive for the ‘God in the Old Testament’ Category

Question and Answer (1):

Março 27, 2009

Why was there an absolute prohibition of any attempt to make an image of Yahweh, the God of Israel?

The reason is that Yahweh wished to enter into a direct and loving relationship with his people. The central reality of the Old Testament  is not some mysterious statue in the temples, but is rather the “covenant” or “agreement” established between God and his people. “I want to be your God and I want you to be my people”. The Bible teaches that the best image of God is to be found in the world: that is the human being. This is the climax of the account of of creation in the first chapter of the book of Genesis. “Let us make the human being in our image and after our own likeness”. Therefore, we should not try to make an image by using any material from the world.  What we have should help us to imagine God and to worship him. Let us worship God in our hearts, in our families and in the society at large.

An icon is a representation of  the Lord or a Saint. It is painted on a wall, a partition or a wooden panel. The icons pf tje Eastern churches take the place of statues in the Western Church. An icon is much more than just a painting. An icon aims to teach the faith.